S.H.R.O. Institution :: About SHRO



The Sbarro Health Research Organization is a nonprofit charity committed to funding excellence in basic genetic research to cure and diagnose cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and other chronic illnesses and to foster the training of young doctors in a spirit of professionalism and humanism.



SHRO is dedicated to supporting scientific research aimed at finding cures for cancer, cardiovascular and other diseases by identifying their underlying molecular mechanisms. SHRO includes the Sbarro Institute for Cancer Research and Molecular Medicine located at Temple University in Philadelphia, PA and an SHRO affiliated laboratory located at the University of Siena in Siena, Italy.

SHRO is also involved in a number of collaborations with affiliated laboratories.

University of Pennsylvania, Scheie Eye Institute, USA: Cornea and Conjunctiva differentiation
University of Rome, Italy: Muscle differentiation
University of Naples, Italy: Stem cells in the brain
University of Messina, Italy: Oncology
University of Palermo, Italy: Clinical Oncology, Breast cancer
University of Sassari, Sardinia: Oncology

Over 200 SHRO molecular biologists, geneticists, physicists, and chemists work to develop new methods to understand, diagnose and cure disease.

Current SHRO research projects include:
[a] Investigating how antimicrobial peptides might lead to new drugs to fight antibiotic resistant infections.

[b] Examining the molecular workings that impede treatments for estrogen-based breast cancer.

[c] Studying how obesity might affect the response of breast cancer patients to chemo- and hormonal therapies, and how diet might modulate the expression of cancer-related genes.

SHRO researchers have completed research on new technologies designed to diagnose lung, ovarian, endometrial, breast and brain tumors as well as lymphomas. Their work with gene therapy has also led to new strategies to treat tumors of the lung and brain, and has led to over twenty patents.

Since 1995, SHRO has organized and co-sponsored a wide variety of scientific meetings around the world. Under the auspices of SHRO, international cancer experts have gathered in the United States, Italy and Argentina to promote the exchange of ideas and to lead to new collaborative efforts in the fight against disease.

The Sbarro Health Research Organization, Inc. is a nonprofit organization designated as a public charity under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.


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