S.H.R.O. Institution :: OUR HISTORY



Antonio Giordano, M.D., Ph.D. founded SHRO in 1993, with the generous contributions of Mario Sbarro, owner of Sbarro, Inc., a restaurant chain.


History of SHRO

In 1993, Antonio Giordano, M.D., Ph.D., founded the Sbarro Institute with a generous donation from Mario Sbarro, the Founder of the Sbarro restaurant chain, following Dr. Giordano’s discovery of the tumor suppressor gene pRb2. Initially named the Sbarro Institute, the research center was located at Thomas Jefferson University, where Dr. Giordano was a professor.

When Dr. Giordano moved to Temple University in 2002, he and twenty fellow scientists forged a new, three-year alliance with Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Under the new arrangement, the original Sbarro Institute was renamed the Sbarro Health Research Organization, Inc. (SHRO), which includes the Sbarro Institute for Cancer Research and Molecular Medicine at Temple and the SHRO-affiliated laboratory at the University of Siena in Siena, Italy.

Under a 2005 agreement, the Sbarro Institute for Cancer Research and Molecular Medicine received continued funding from Temple and expanded its program to include work on the relationship between obesity and cancer and instituted a new program on molecular therapeutics to explore how molecular genetic research can be applied to patient therapies and diagnostics.

SHRO research has received over $30 million in grants and private donations to fund important biomedical research. Funders include:


United States Department of Defense, Congressionally Directed Medical Program-Breast Cancer Research Program: 2006, 2007, 2008

The National Institute of Health, The National Cancer Institute: 2004-2009

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Health, Cancer Research Program: 2004-2007


Dr. Giordano and Mr. Sbarro at the Sbarro Institute, Philadelphia, USA.


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